Is the National Society of Leadership and Success Legit

Is the national society of leadership and success legit? The organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, as well as a certified B-Corp 2022. Find out more?

The motive of this organization is to give recognition and cultivate the talent of leadership from various universities in the world. They tend to make a positive change by providing talented and skilled leaders who can achieve success at every opportunity.

Many students in the United States eagerly look forward to getting an invitation from society. You can get many exclusive benefits like scholarships, discounts on textbooks insurance accepted for your higher education. Read further to know more about this association.

What is the national society of leadership and success?


It is an accredited society for students to get exclusive benefits for their leadership potential. Candidacy is one of the biggest honors for any person in the United States. 

Along with other features, it also provides a guided method to build your skills in various activities.

You get rewarded with a certificate which can be a great accomplishment for your resume. Continue reading to know more about Is the national society of leadership and success legit?

Important facts you must know about NSLS?

Many people consider it a national achievement to become a part of this society. It helps the members to recognize their goals and then achieve them by providing consistent opportunities. 

  • Everyone is not allowed to become a member and, the selection gets based on national nomination. The students must have a GP of more than 3.0 with great curricular potential. They should be academically strong and possess leadership qualities.
  • There are different categories of membership that come along with their benefits. You get access to the knowledge on leadership.
  • Many exclusive events get held by the association with partnered companies. To answer the question, Is the national society of leadership and success legit? You can get the latest updates on these events.
  • You get access to various scholarships and discounts on devices, desktops, notebooks, courses, and coaching.
  • Various leadership conferences get held that give you knowledge on some hot topics.
  • Did you know that in 2020 organization summed up an amount of 350 thousand dollars for scholarships? 
  • To become a member, you must pay $95 for registration and access all the benefits immediately. The benefits given by society are far more precious than this amount.
  • You can only be invited from any local chapter to become a part of this foundation.
  • There is an online procedure to apply for membership too.

What are the benefits of NSLS?

Read these points to figure out, is the national society of leadership and success legit? 

  • This program can only get joined by the invitation from the society and consists of some exclusive benefits mentioned below.
  • You get access to some exclusive scholarships and prestigious rewards. They help you get recommendation letters for employment and admission to famous universities and graduate schools.
  • It serves as an online portal for providing jobs.
  • You can become a part of exquisite social events and get immense opportunities for networking with famous people.
  • You get to learn new things and tricks from top leaders.
  • As a partner, you are eligible for various discounts.
  • Many universities and schools are their partners. They allow recognition and honors during the time of graduation.
  • You can get personal coaching on subjects and topics.

Is the national society of leadership and success legit?

There is no doubt about the legitimacy of this foundation. It is beneficial for students in many ways. You get to learn many new things. As a college student being a part of such a prestigious organization can influence my resume and get multiple extracurricular opportunities. 

Like many other authorities, they claim to provide thousands of advantages but, you don’t have to gain from all of them. You should always compare if it is suitable according to your field of interest.

Some side advantages allow you to get fundraising loans insurances scholarships of your interest. You can develop powerful connections that will help you interact in society and get better opportunities as you move along in your career. 

What if you are looking out for this association as just an addition to your resume? Then it might not be worth it because some companies do not consider it an influential point while hiring.


Is the national society of leadership and success legit? The association launched in 2001 and has become a great success. There are 1.2 million members. It has become the most buzz-creating society in the United States that contains 800 chapters.

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