Toll Road Settlement Email Scam

Toll road settlement email scam? Have you recently received emails about toll road tax and say that you can get some cash? There are so many frauds and hackers who try to harm you, so to know if any email that you have received is genuine or not.

Many users across the United States have fallen victim to phishing emails and messages from fraudsters claiming to be from some big brand or government agency. In this article, we will provide you with complete information regarding this issue.

What is the toll road settlement email scam?

We all are aware of the toll tax levied on various highways and roads by the government. Toll tax is considered a fee rather than a tax. It pays for the use of a toll road built and maintained by a private company. Now people have received an email that they can get a small cash payment as a penalty fee


A toll road class action suit is filed, which summons millions of people to receive their payments. $200 million settlement money promised to compensate every person who has passed through Orange County toll tax in the last six years. 

The lawsuit registered against the corrupt activities going on since 2015 on the transportation corridor agencies and Orange County transportation authority. The members shared information about the drivers with third parties who used this information to get money from these drivers. 

Several other complaints have been filed too in consideration of the illegal activities going on these toll roads. To settle the class action lawsuit, TCA and OCTA sent out notices via emails to disseminate millions of people who might have paid them. The toll road settlement email scam has got many people wondering if they should trust it or not, read further to know more.

Is toll road settlement email scam?

Several users based in the United States have mentioned that they received text messages stating that they have a pending amount or some suspicious activity emails have been sent to them earlier. 

The users are aware of various hackers who use these techniques to scam people. But, this toll road settlement email is not a scam. It is an action by the government to do right by the people. 

This settlement is a way by the toll company to pay back people. The federal court has the lawsuit, and according to the judgment passed, these are terms stated in the document:

  • All the wrongdoing stated by the lawsuit is denied by the toll agencies.
  • They have promised to bring improvement in their policies and work ethics.
  • They have agreed to limit sharing of driver’s information with third parties.
  • Some penalties are to be forgiven.
  • The toll companies will bring restitution to the people.

We do not doubt the legitimacy of these emails but suggest our readers use the official website link for taking any action.

Are you eligible for the settlement? 

 If you want to know whether you are eligible for it, these are the terms you need to know:

  • It applies to all those who drove through 91 express lanes in Orange County, California from, June 29, 2015, to May 27, 2021.
  • Anyone with a transponder account with a California toll road operator other than OCTA whose PII — including the date, time, and location of a toll transaction on the 91 Express Lanes — was sent by the defendants to another California toll road operator between June 29, 2015, and May 27, 2021, for purposes of collecting a toll incurred on the 91 Express Lanes (the Interoperability Subclass)
  • The person whose personal information was shared by the toll company between the given period to any third party for collecting unpaid tolls or any other penalty.

Payments of up to $15 per person will be distributed on a proportionate basis; the final amount will depend on the number of valid claims submitted. The toll road email scamming people is a misconception and, it is allowing people to get their money back.


After doing a comprehensive analysis, we can answer your questions, Is toll road settlement email scam? It is an actual lawsuit filed against TCA and OCTA for sharing personally identifiable information (PII). The data was shared with third parties for their profit.

Visit the official website for more information. Please, share your experience with us; we love hearing from our readers.


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