
Before you shop this store, let us tell you about legit to avoid being involved in any scam. The best part of a year would be the time when we plan a vacation right. But one problem with planning vacations is packing right. If bags are placed in dirty places, they won’t look good anymore. came up with a terrific solution for this. 

The website is being popular in the United States for selling the new-fashioned bags that are considered new and intuitive. We are going to give you unbiased information that you need before you proceed to buy. Let’s get started.

What is

This is an e-Commerce store selling a new sort of bag specially designed for beach tours and vacations. When we visit places that are not so clean, the dust gets into our bags, and we have to wash them hard after getting back right. This company invented new leather bags and are very easy to wash and get dry.


The bags are designed like typical handbags but with small holes for the ease of making them clean after use. The store is also known to sell few other home décor items, but they are not shown anywhere on the website. 

However, people consider this a helpful invention, let us also know what they tell about legit.


  • You can access the website with this URL:
  • Contact address: No information available on the website.
  • Phone number: Nowhere is mentioned on the website.
  • Email address:
  • Payment gateways: The website accepts payment through Paypal only.
  • Shipping methods: They use airmail to ship their products.
  • Free shipping is available for orders more than $59.99.
  • Order tracking: Their services are traceable with the help of their website.
  • The time it takes to deliver products: Order typically ships in 5-10 business days.
  • Return policy: They will accept your return if it is done within 30 days of product delivery.


  • All colors of bags are available on the website.
  • Bags are trendy and beautiful.
  • Suited for all ages.
  • Free standard shipping available for some products.
  • You can track the order from the website itself.
  • They do not charge tax on their products.


  • You can only pay through Paypal.
  • No description is available for individual products.
  • No customer care service is provided.
  • The cash on delivery option is not available.
  • You may not get a good discount.
  • No customer reviews were found.
  • No categories are specified for products.

Upon considering the pros and cons of this website, we can’t honestly say about the legitimacy of the website. So let us move forward to check other checkpoints. 

Is legit?

The content that is provided on the website seems to be copied from other websites. This is a significant sign that says the website may not be reliable. Moreover, there are no contact information or customer service details related to the store, which are some essential things from the view of a customer.

As there is no social media presence for this website, we think this is maybe a diddle. Also, the prices that are specified for the products seem too good to be true. Is legit? There are a lot of negative highlights for this website.

What are customer reviews?

As the website is just two months old, there are no customer reviews available. There are no pages available for this website to see customer testimonials on social media related to As per our research, we couldn’t find someone who brought products from this website.

As per one of the questions asked on the website, it is found that the tracking numbers provided are invalid. Authenticating customer reviews will give a customer confidence that he needs before proceeding to have ties with the website. So we suggest you move forward only after taking safety concerns.

Final Verdict

The trust score for this website is just 1%, which is very hard to consider. Each validity checkpoint for legitimacy failed as per our research. We want to tell you to consider these essential things in mind before you trust the website.

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