Podercard Scam

Want to try Podercard but you are not sure is Podercard scam? Please don’t take too much stress for finding the valuable info related to it. And most importantly, you are in the perfect place to find out all your answer. Analyzing the demand, we came up with detailed research on this site and its services.

This company belongs to the United States. People of U.S is investing their money on different banking site. It is necessary to find a legit banking website to save money safely. 

They spend at least 1 hour per day surfing on the Internet for a legit bank account. That’s why we decided to take such a topic to present. 

What is Podercard?

Podercard is a free digital banking website for the U.S region. It claimed that it has no hidden fee and no minimum requirement of a deposit. They also design a mobile application for better communication with their customers. 


This app primarily works in the Spanish language. But you can change the language to English whenever you want. 

There are numerous ways are available to deposit your money on Podercard;

  • Direct deposit process.
  • Transfer from another bank.
  • Cash deposit procedure at a green dot location.

Apart from this, they also have several ways to withdraw money;

  • At an ATM.
  • Process of cashback at a retailer.
  • Transfer procession to another bank.

Eligibility criteria of Podercard: 

  • You need to be at least 18 years old to create an account.
  • A valid social security number, ITIN number, and Matricula consular photo ID are required for the account set-up procedure.

After all this, you all are eagerly waiting for unfolding the truth is Podercard scamor not. We are on our way to reveal this mystery in our upcoming sections.


  • Contact Number: 833 337 6337.
  • Minimum deposit fee: $0.
  • Monthly charges: $0.
  • ATM availability: 46000+ ATMs are available all over the nation.
  • ATM fee: $0.
  • Overdraft charges: $0.
  • Foreign transaction fee: 3%. 
  • APY: None. 

How to open a Podercard account? 

You need to follow all steps precisely to create or open an account successfully. It would be best if you were very careful about this procedure. 

We mentioned each needful step below for your help:

  1. Go to the official websites at the first stage or download the Podercard official mobile application. 
  2. Open the browser or the app, and you will see a list to choose your preferred language. Select one and hit the done option.
  3. Next, put a suitable username and password and press the login portal.
  4. Now, you need to create and confirm your four-digit mobile confirmation code.
  5. Enter your mobile number in the respected text box and hit next to further procedure.
  6. Put the code you receive from our side in the specific area and confirm your phone number.
  7. Put the specific details in the form fill-up section and confirm it.
  8. Do the verification process for your debit card. 
  9. You created your account successfully. Now you need to wait for a week to receive a debit card via mail.


  • No unnecessary fee is required. Even, Podercard won’t charge any monthly charges.
  • The facility of direct deposit is available in their services.
  • Many ATMs are available to serve their customers.
  • A unique feature is available in their service, which is the financial wellness library.


  • You can’t access any joint account in Podercard.
  • There is a withdrawal restriction in the ATM of Podercard service. You can’t withdraw $500 plus daily and $3000 monthly from ATMs.
  • You need to pay $5 for a request for debit card replacement. 
  • This is a new company. That’s why they are not so much trusted. 

Is Podercard scam?

According to our analytical assessment, this site is legit but no so trustworthy. We found several complaints about this service on the Internet. 

On the other hand, we can successfully trace some satisfied customers. But it would help if you used it on your security. As of now, we consider it legit. We can give only a 58 percent trust score to this service because of transparency issues.

Customer’s reviews and reaction on this site:

 As an answer of is Podercard scam or not, we will present mixed reactions to this service. 

Lama said, 

“When I want to transfer a big amount of money to my Podercard account, I need to pay a fee. So, this is not a free banking app.”

Amy said, 

“This digital banking service is outstanding. And I can easily deposit and withdraw money from it.”


Trust score58%
SSL certificateYes
Customer reviewsNo
Social media presenceYes

Hopefully, you can get an idea about this service. It is up to you if you want to open an account you can. And if you don’t want to create, won’t create an account.

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