mode lock hero mobile legend

What is the mode lock hero mobile legend? Whether it is PC-centered or mobile-centric, video games are grabbing most of the attention.

Nowadays, there are a bunch of new games available to explore. And the remarkable fact is developers are working on launching games for mobile. We are disclosing crucial information about a newly launched mobile game. The name of the game is mobile hero legend, and this game is specifically designed for mobile.

However, we will pay most of our attention to the mode lock. There are many undiscovered details of this game, and we will share the details regarding mode lock and other facts related to this game. Read the whole article if you were eager to know about the game.

What is a mobile hero legend?

This is an online video game that is specifically designed for mobile phones. It is a battle game where you get different heroes as the character, and this is a wage battle game supported for mobile. Before jumping on the mode lock hero mobile legend, we must check the other essential facts.

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Till now, the total number of available heroes is one hundred and twelve heroes. Recently five additional heroes are creating a big buzz, and let’s see the names of five new heroes.

  • Duke of shards
  • Warrior of ferocity
  • Prophetess of the night
  • The budding hope
  • Spacetime walker

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Each and every hero have their respective category. We will share the entire list of different categories available in this game.

  • Akai
  • Atlas
  • Alice
  • Baxia
  • Barats
  • Edith
  • Belerick
  • Franco
  • Esmeralda
  • Gloo
  • Gatotca
  • Grock
  • Hylos
  • Hilda
  • Khufra
  • Johnson
  • Lolita
  • Mintaur
  • Ruby
  • Tigreal
  • Aldous
  • Uranusalucard
  • Alpha
  • Aulus
  • Argus
  • Balmond
  • Badqng
  • Barats
  • Bane
  • Dyrroth
  • Chou

These are some different categories available in this game.

What are the secret facts about the hero mobile legend?

We will shortly share the mode lock hero mobile legend process but before that, let’s check on some facts about this game. 

  • Players can play the Weekly Free Heroes available within the game’s rotation.
  • Major Events will also let everyone access all heroes for free.
  • Weekly Free Heroes are the free heroes that can be played weekly, but not permanently, and can’t be used in Ranked Games unless you already own the hero.
  • Starlight Free Heroes are free heroes that can be played weekly and are one of the rewards of the Starlight Privileges, which can be obtained only if you are a Starlight Member or have received a Starlight Trial Membership. 
  • You can play those heroes in Ranked Game mode, as well.
  • Players also can buy new heroes with Battle Points (BP) Hero Fragments. The minimal package for Battle Points starts at 2000, with the maximizing at 32,000. (You are reading:mode lock hero mobile legend).
  • Hero Fragments start at 80, maxing at up to 120. 
  • Hero skins can only be bought with Diamonds or via a Lucky Spin (the ultimate reward resets every week and is accessible by going to Shop in the main menu and tapping Lucky Spin in the Draw Section). 
  • There is also another way to buy Heroes and Skins: by going to the Fragment Shop. The game rewards you with some early Battle Points to buy your first few heroes and to help with diverse gameplay. 

How to mode lock hero mobile legend?

  • Open the game on mobile.
  • Click the gear icon or the Settings icon.
  • Select-control icon.
  • Then scroll down to find their lock mode option.
  • Switch from off to on.
  • And click on finish.

These are some simple steps that you need to remember while activating the lock mode. But sometimes some difficult8es arise, and we will share such circumstances also.

Sometimes the first time we activate the hero lock mode, we need to make adjustments as we sometimes forget to lock the opponent’s hero by tapping. We are sure friends who don’t have the code will get used to this hero lock mode and help you win a game.


Hopefully, all scenarios are explicit in your mind. We gathered all information and shared it with you via this article. You can implement these steps to win the game and avail the lock mode.

If you have any questions or want to share your experiences on mode lock hero mobile legend, leave your views in the comment section.


How do I get Diamonds?

You can only get Diamonds by purchasing them. As far as I know, there are no ways of getting free Diamonds at the moment.

How do I get Battle Points (BP)?

Battle Points can be obtained in several ways, from daily login to in-game events and much more. You can use BP to purchase Heroes, similar to using Diamonds. For f2p players, this should be more than enough to give you the ability to start off in the game and acquire the heroes you want.

What are the ways to get Battle Points?

There are four ways to get battle points, which are

  • Medal Chest
  • Daily Chest 
  • Daily quests
  • Events

How do I unlock Ultimate skill?

You will open your Ultimate skill once you hit level 4. That skill is one of the essential skills for every hero, so it will have a massive difference once you obtain it. (You are reading:mode lock hero mobile legend)


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