Haveibeenpwned Legit

Be safe and verify whether your personal info is safe or not >> Find out whether Haveibeenpwned legit {1’ May 2021} or safe to stop from a data breach.

Cases related to breaching data are simultaneously increasing. In 2020, 1001 data breach cases were coming out in the United States. Meanwhile, over the year, 155.8 million were affected by it. 

Let’s know about it in brief and know what it is haveibeenpwned legit?By the way, it is a website that allows one to check out whether their account or personal data has been breached out by someone else or not.

Is your account breached?


Moving forward ahead, how would you come across to know that is your account has been pwned or not? Below are the points which will help you to identify them.

  • Crooks can do things, which you don’t want to do. 
  • Messages can be forwarded out from your side.
  • Your account might be termed spam.

To be safe from these hackers, you might identify or check your account that you have been pwned. You can check it using haveibeenpwned site. Let’s know more about this website to conclude that it is haveibeenpwned legitor not?

Who is the former of this website?

Troy Hunt, a Microsoft Regional Director and blogger at troyhunt.com, created Haveibeenpwned (HIBP). 

Why did he form? 

Troy Hunt created it to quickly assess for anyone that if they might have been put at risk due to an online account of theirs have been compromised.

He added to it that he formed this site for two purposes. 

  • To provide service to the public and keep them safe from being attacked by online hackers. 
  • This site provided him with an excellent use case to put several technologies through their paces and keep his hands-on skills as per regular use. 

What is the site all about? 

Moving to the description about the site, which would help you to know clear about it that is haveibeenpwned legit or not. The site comes to conclude the post-breach analysis of user credentials. 

It keeps on finding the same accounts exposed repeatedly, with the same passwords, then puts the victims at further risk of their other accounts being compromised. 

The data on this site comes from “breaches,” where information is exposed to persons that should not have been able to view it.

How to use haveibeenpwned site? 

  • Enter your email – HIBP is a free resource that lets you quickly check whether your account has been pwned or not? Go to the site’s home page, enter your email address and brace yourself.
  • Review Your Compromised Information – Once it is processed, you’ll come to know whether your data has been exposed and breached. And yes, then when it has been exposed on which date. It will inform you what and potentially exposed specific.
  • Change Your Passwords – Take a careful look at what data was breached out. After that, you need to change your password for a website or application. Do change your password for the several sites used by you. Another helpful feature of HIBP is the Passwords page. It tells you whether your favorite password is safe for ongoing use or not. It will help you to create and strengthen your password. 
  • Subscribe to Notifications – Subscribe to the notifications about breaches involving your data. Just provide your email address, and next time, if you’re pwned, you’ll get a quick notification which would be helpful for you to take immediate action.
  • Improve Your Information Security – Helping you out and preventing your account from getting breached, strengthening your password, improves the information security of your profile. 

Is Haveibeenpwned legit

The information related to the site and its security is concluded as a legit site and is safe. As per Alexa’s ranking, it has been ranked 13,301 positions. This website is 7years 168 days old. And till now, it is there providing service to everyone. 


Coming to the end of the article, if you are concerned about your account, your details, and information and want to protect it from getting out breached, then do use haveibeenpwned. It will safeguard you from fraud. 

In the end, we hope this article would help to gain knowledge about. If you want to add up your thoughts, please do mention them below in the comments section. 


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