for77 Com Fortnite

In this article you will find the information related to for77 Com Fortnite >> can you download the free skin?

Video games are always a trend in today’s day and age and especially among teenagers and youngsters. They offer an excellent source to kill some time and speed up brain development and cognitive thinking in teenagers if played for an appropriate amount of time. Excess of it or addiction to games will hinder their studies and other life areas while growing up. Now let’s discuss for77 Com Fortnite.

We will talk about one such video game website called for77 Com Fortnite, which offers users free currencies to enhance their gaming experience for the official Fortnite video game. The Fortnite is a worldwide popular video game played by millions of people. 

The game was developed by the company called Epic Games, which is formed in Cary, North Carolina, United States. The official Fortnite game has three main game modes called Battle Royale, Save the World, and Creative. 


The most popular among them is Battle Royale, which garnered hundreds of millions of users within one year of its release. Its popularity is that it can be played on iOs, Android, and Nintendo switch, unlike Save the World, which can only be played on platforms like Playstation 4, X box, macOS, and Windows. The game has won many awards from 2017 to 2019, like Gamer’s Choice Awards, Webby Awards, Teen Choice Awards, and many more.

About for77 Com Fortnite

For77 Com Fortnite is an online gaming platform played by many Fortnite game fans because it offers free V-bucks to the players. V bucks are the currencies used to spend on the player’s costumes to make them more attractive or upgrade their look. They were created as a source of money for the official company as the Battle Royale game is free, and usually, players go for it.

V bucks are used to enter into the Battle Pass, and after they are unlocked after each challenge, one can use them to add more effects to their characters. If one progresses in the game and keeps acquiring V bucks, they get a free pass for the next season.

After one enters for77 Com Fortnite, it tells you to enter the username and select the platform one used to play the game before. Then, they ask how many V bucks one wants to get for Battle Pass, including 1k, 7.5k to 13.5k. 

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After one click on an option, they show the ‘connecting’ page for a while, but soon it displays an error, and it reads that Botlike behavior is detected and tells one to verify that they are not a bot. 

In some cases, the user is made to return to the website’s homepage again and again after attempting to transact V bucks. This is evident in some websites on the web which support for77 Com Fortnite, and after entering, they tell users to click on the links displayed to gain free V bucks.

Is for77.Com legal or not?

There are many claims that this website steals the user’s information. A security check shows that it displays ‘Http’ in the URL and not ‘https,’ which is not reliable, and such websites are usually a scam. 

Also, a site should be registered, and this one isn’t. Furthermore, no one knows who owns this website, and there is no contact information on the website.

To support the above information, Epic games warned the users to be aware of links claiming free V bucks in their 2018 tweet and using the official site, which is currently offering a 20% discount on V bucks. 

There have been many cases worldwide where money was being stolen from teenagers through these fake websites. In the United States, for77 Com Fortnite is thus banned for the same purposes, and about to get banned in other countries. Therefore, the website is not legit.

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